Note: I can't vouch for the factuality of the individual's claims; only that they were what he claimed. Passages about the corridor were added on June 29.
Two weeks ago today, the individual left a mutual site three minutes after I did (per security footage). It was Monday during the 06:00 hour.
Eventually, he arrived at the establishment in the vehicle below. He then divided most of his time between smoking at his car outside and sitting down inside. Later, as I gathered my belongings to leave, the individual left his own belongings unattended and rushed to his car outside. As he entered the vehicle, I hurried out the building via a different exit and rounded the block... ... in the opposite direction. Per security footage, the individual returned to the very first site minutes before my return on foot. Maintaining a physical barrier behind a door, I demanded that he stop following me. I screamed it! I considered him another hanger-on in my life. Besides, I was never attracted to the individual physically and his persistent lurking turned me off interpersonally. "I'm not interested!" I yelled, annoyed. Among other things, he said he's also been through a divorce. That he has a car. "Do you?" And that he, too, works in IT -- namely, for a hotel. Until that moment, I avoided talking to him. On a few successful occasions, I cracked the door open to deter him from standing in the immediate corridor any longer. However, without a peep hole or security camera at the time, I stayed behind the closed door while he'd linger multiple times as I worked alone at night. In the external silence of my downtime, I'd shift in place or -- in one instance -- my work phone churped before the individual would:
For the better part of six months, this occurred multiple times almost every night. Prior to the May 9 altercation, the last deterrence was March 1. At the time, he waited about 5 minutes for someone to return an item he'd forgotten. After receiving it, the individual remained in the immediate corridor for another several minutes. I cracked the door open. "Oh! I'm sorry," he said, and kept it moving. About 4-feet wide (1.22 meters), the corridor accommodates adults of average weight/height if walking behind each other (in the same direction) or passing each other one at a time (from opposite directions). Two weeks prior to the May 9 altercation, the individual left the site 5-to-10 minutes after I did. Outside, he encountered police responding to the location. It was the 05:00 hour. Wearing a workman's uniform for a different hotel, he volunteered to officers that he's waiting for an Uber. If to the hotel on his uniform, then it was a 15-minute walk away. Ultimately, no vehicle -- let alone an Uber -- came or drove by. Ironically, it was his employment status for which he first announced himself about six months ago. During an organizational meeting on Zoom, I provided a personal update as is routine among fellow members. It included a few life-changing events, including a divorce and a new job. The individual -- who was not part of the meeting -- entered the immediate corridor. "I don't have a job and I don't care," he said. Previously, I made multiple trips to the building throughout the day over one weekend. I sometimes passed him leaving the building before I entered it. He was gray and looked about 55-to-65. So with the announcement later that he didn't work, I assumed he was retired. At any rate, I want no contact with this person and none of his attention.
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Note: According to Britannica, special prosecutors are currently referred to as independent counsel.
Sorry we missed you last night.
Richard L. Weiss, Green candidate for U.S. Senate, joined me for an hour-long impromptu interview. You might know that Weiss' first priority as senator would be #MedicareForAll. Here are two you might not:
End the bipartisan ballot. Please contact the Green Party of Pennsylvania ( to petition your network for some of the 5,000 signatures needed to get Richard, P.K., and Michael Badges-Canning on the November ballot.
A post about my interview with PA candidate Richard L. Weiss for U.S. Senate (Capital Area Green Party)
Green Party's 10 Key Values: 1) Grassroots Democracy 2) Ecological Wisdom 3) Global Responsibility & Personal Responsibility 4) Community-Based Economics & Economic Justice 5) Non-Violence 6) Feminism & Gender Equity 7) Respect for Diversity 8) Future Focus & Sustainability 9) Social Justice & Equal Opportunity 10) Decentralization
Jubalyn ExWilliams lives in Pennsylvania (United States). You can find her writings and commentaries, including the one on "Green candidate for senate on special prosecutors, student loan debt" by the author, at
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February 2025